Improve your strict technique for Benchmark

By F45 Athletics | November 2022


With the introduction of Benchmark comes strict technique. Accessory work has been added into ELEVATE programming to help build strength with some of the key testing stations. Ask your studio for more info on the ELEVATE Movement Calendar.

Chin-ups are one of the most challenging exercises tested in Benchmark but here are some performance tips to help you get there:

  • Keep the body in a long plank position and engage the lats prior to the pull. 
  • Using your lats and biceps muscles, pull yourself all the way up so that your chin passes the bar, and your elbows are in line with your shoulders before coming down to full extension. 
  • For a beginner, a modification can be to use a resistance band under the foot to assist in bringing you up.

Here are additional F45 exercises that can assist with developing the muscles required in a chin-up:

  • Chin-up variation: Isometric Hold
    The isometric hold is an effective way for developing the strength to be able to perform your first pull-up. Pull (or jump) yourself up until your chin is over the bar. The higher you start the easier it will be to lock in position and hold. Aim for the upper chest to kiss the bar. Keep your shoulders pulled back and down, and pull your elbows down to the rib cage. See how long you can hold for each time. A great starting point is 10 seconds, you can then aim to do three sets of 10 seconds to build up your strength to complete longer holds, or take that step into completing a pull-up. 
  • Suspension Trainer-Assisted Chin-up

This exercise brings the move closer to the ground, allowing the member to adjust the amount of body weight that they are pulling. To set up correctly, you should hinge at the hips and have the torso directly under the bar throughout the whole movement. Palms will be facing forward at shoulder width. Before the pull, brace the core and engage the lats. Pull the arms up to the shoulders then return to the starting position. Try out this exercise, once you can do 10 reps with good form, you may be ready to attempt a pull-up!


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